
A Positive Mindset Can Change Your Life

How do you talk to yourself? The way you talk to yourself along with your personal beliefs, are related to your mindset. Why? Because your actions are dictated by your thoughts and feelings. It affects everything from your self-esteem and confidence to how successful you become and how healthy your relationships and friendships are. So

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Potential Pitfalls of a Fast-Paced Life

We live in a fast-paced world. The technological advances that were touted as ways to offer more free time have instead left us constantly tied to work and performance. Even in our ‘rest’ time, vacations, and even going to bed, we are plagued by thoughts and connections that keep us busy. I don’t know about

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5 Steps to Visualizing Your Success

Proverbs 29:18 reminds us “where there is no vision, the people perish”Vision is defined as “the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom” What is your ‘vision” for your life? your family? your career? your business? You probably spend a lot of time imagining these things, but where is your

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How to Change Your Thinking of A Problem

This is a creative problem-solving method that lets you quickly switch from one perspective to another to see all the different sides of the problem and come up with a solution that helps everyone. With this problem-solving skill, you view the situation from different hats, changing the hat to view the situation from various perspectives.

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How Walking Away Can Help Solve a Problem

How can walking away possibly be an effective problem-solving tool? That sounds an awful lot like quitting. Instead of quitting, think of it as taking a break from trying to solve the problem you are working on. A short lesson in Psychology 101 explains that your mind works on two separate levels, the conscious and

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How to Explore Possibilities with What If Questions

One of the best ways to understand a problem and come up with new ways to possibly solve it is to perform a what-if analysis. This process if often used in works of research and development to determine possibilities of failure. This is not a complicated process to master and is truly a creative problem-solving

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How to Use Brainstorming for Problem-Solving

We face problems and conflicts every day. How do you respond when faced with difficulties? One of the most common and creative problem-solving skills is called Brainstorming. You have probably heard the word used in seminars and meetings in an effort to bring about a consensus. Being common doesn’t mean it is unimportant. It works,

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5 Things You Can Do Right Now to Change Your Life and Stop Worrying

Worry can get into all the crevices of our lives. We worry about our jobs, our kids, our relationships, money, and a million other things every single day. Once worry sets in and takes over, we can find ourselves paralyzed, ensuring things don’t get done. It doesn’t have to be this way. We can take

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