Taking Charge of Thoughts

7 Things that Successful People Know to Help You Reclaim Your Confidence

Winston Churchill once said, “Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” The problem is, that enthusiasm can be hard to come by, especially when yours has taken a beating. Setbacks and disappointments have a way of knocking you down. We start doubting ourselves and lose sight of who we are.

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5 Steps to Visualizing Your Success

Proverbs 29:18 reminds us “where there is no vision, the people perish”Vision is defined as “the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom” What is your ‘vision” for your life? your family? your career? your business? You probably spend a lot of time imagining these things, but where is your

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How to See the Sunny Side of Failure

Everyone has one. That friend, family member, or co-worker. You are discouraged because of some failure. And while you are going through a rough time with the challenging emotions dealing with this thing that went wrong, the say things like“it wasn’t that bad”“it could be worse”“just try to be positive” You grit your teeth and

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How to Know if You Have Become Your Own Worst Enemy

4 Signs You Are Your Own Worst Enemy Are you struggling to get ahead?  Perhaps you are having a hard time finding opportunities, or maybe you are not taking advantage of opportunities presented to you. Quite often, the most common reason people don’t succeed is that they’re engaging in self-defeating behaviors not realizing they have

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