How to Open Your Mind To New Possibilities
Are you someone who seeks out new possibilities willingly and with excitement? It is often said you need to keep an open mind when it
Focus on This When Change Is Out of Your Control
If you look up the definition of the word “Change” you will find it described as making something different than it was. Change is all
7 Things that Successful People Know to Help You Reclaim Your Confidence
Winston Churchill once said, “Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” The problem is, that enthusiasm can be hard to
You Can Choose to be Happy…or Not
A Choice You Can Make in Life Is to Be Happy or to Be Sad Most of the Time This knowledge doesn’t come to everyone.
Self Confidence Matters
Why Self-Confidence Matters What is self-confidence? What does it look like? It seems to me confidence is elusive, something you can reach for but cannot
5 Ways You Sabotage Your Own Happiness
Are you someone who seems to always be down in the dumps or fear happiness is always being ripped from you just as you get