
How Reducing Distractions Can Build Stronger Relationships

As I sit here with my London Fog tea today, I was reflecting further on last week’s post about how I deal with stress and distractions. I want to take it a step further today. There is one particular area of our lives that can be deeply changed by reducing distractions – our relationships. Whether

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5 Steps To Defeat Perfectionism Once and For All

We all have moments where we fall into perfectionism. For some of us, this might happen kind of often. For others, it’s reserved for those special occasions where we have a project where we can’t rest until we get it right. While occasional super-attention-to-detail is okay, it’s when we make perfectionism a way of life

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How to Know if You Are Your Own Worst Enemy

Why are you not getting ahead? Are you having difficulty finding opportunities, or could it be you’re not taking the opportunities when they come to you?  Often, people don’t succeed because they’re engaging in self-defeating behaviors. If you’re not performing at the level you think you should be; you might want to consider whether or

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How to Make Your To-Do List More Effective

You already know that to-do lists help you get focused and organized throughout the day. Getting your disorganized thoughts on paper frees your mind and helps you to focus. Organizing your thoughts and priorities helps to keep you motivated, relieving stress and anxiety. Here are a few tips to help you create an effective to-do

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How Accountability Affects Dependability

Everyone makes mistakes. Even me. I know, I know, it’s hard to believe (haha). And personally, may I say, sometimes hard to admit. Yet, admitting mistakes is the path to dependability. Two things to do you make a mistake. own it learn from it Accept accountability for your decisions and actions. Being responsible is a

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How to Adopt the Yes Attitude Toward Yourself

Adopting The Yes Attitude Toward Your Own Self Image There are many ways to improve your attitude toward your own self-image. Often, we are our own worst critics, and the way we speak to ourselves is usually much worse than how we’d ever speak to another person. Why is it so hard for people to

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