Journal Idea – Week 1
Journal Idea – Week 1 Read More »
Do you journal? There are many articles and reports declaring the benefits of journaling. Some benefits include: Clarify thoughts and feelings Problem solving Emotional release Focus Gratitude Perspective I have dozens of notebook laying around. I pull one out and start writing. I find it becomes my way of “letting it go” as Elsa would
Note to Myself – Journaling through 2019 Read More »
Today is one of those “I need my tiara” days. What is an “I need a tiara” kind of day? It’s one of those days when I’m overwhelmed by the multitude of things I have to do. I feel I’m being attacked from so many different sides, I cannot focus. I cannot think straight. Eventually
I glanced at my shampoo bottle while washing my hair this morning. The directions read “lather, rinse, repeat”. As I thought on this my literal mind said, ‘there is no escape clause’. How many times do I lather, rinse, repeat? Thinking on the escape clause I was reminded of posts and stories from friends who
Lather Rinse Repeat Read More »
I dared you to D*R*E*A*M and asked you to join on the journey. Today we conclude our discussion of the word DREAM with the letter M – MAKE IT SO. As a Star Trek fan, I am intrigued at the crew discussions. The Captain asks for suggestions, all give their input, a plan is made.
Make Your Dreams Come True Read More »
In my first attempt at sitting in front of the video camera, I DARED you to take a moment to dream. Moving on to the letter R in DREAM I ask you to REJECT. Reject those negative voices in your head. Reject the negative influence around you. If there were no obstacles in the way of
My husband walked into my office finding me on the floor, rearranging power cables. He looked around the room which showed the desk area obviously being re-organized and asked “What are you procrastinating?” When I am busy with multiple major things, suddenly a minor thing creeps up and slaps me the face, calling out for
What Are You Procrastinating Read More »
(I recently presented this as a speech at my local Toastmasters Club) I have heard it said, “If you don’t have a vision, you can never be focused in a direction.” I wonder then, how do you set a goal, and once set what propels you to consistently move in that direction? Perhaps, like me,
You are so busy. You struggle to keep all the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle of your life together- home, church, family, kids after-school activities, work, and the list goes on. You must plan ahead and determine what pieces of the puzzle (a.k.a your life) will get a ‘yes’ response from you and which will
Keeping the Pieces Together Read More »
I love to use word pictures to try to describe what is happening in my mind’s eye. I can see something but it is fuzzy, and unclear. By speaking out the picture to someone it becomes clearer. Focus becomes sharper. I can see it and now I can choose how to act on it. One
Draw Me A Picture With Your Words Read More »
I like to play color match video games. It helps me to keep my mind busy, often while avoiding chronic pain – okay, I will be honest, sometimes avoiding work that needs to be done. I have played some Candy Crush – until I reached a level I couldn’t defeat and gave it up. I
I stand in the bathroom looking at 2 overfull laundry baskets. I swear I just did laundry a couple of days ago, where does it all come from? I’d like to put it off, but, alas, clean clothes are a must; so I get started. The first load I do is the towels. Why, you
Why I Wash the Towels First Read More »