If The Tiara Fits

Today is one of those “I need my tiara” days.  What is an “I need a tiara” kind of day?
It’s one of those days when I’m overwhelmed by the multitude of things I have to do. I feel I’m being attacked from so many different sides, I cannot focus. I cannot think straight. Eventually I start thinking “I can’t do this” and then negative voices start speaking in my head (not real verbal voices, just those overwhelmingly negative feelings) The sounds of the negative voices gets louder and louder until it becomes all-consuming and that’s all I can hear.
Not long ago my small group from church did a video study called “Crash the Chatterbox”.  In this video, the author, Steven Furtick, describes how he personalized those negative voices allowing him to face them down. Taking my cue from this, I chose a couple of ways to silence my own negative voices.  The one I’d like to share with you today is – a tiara.
You see, the negative voices make me feel that I am very unworthy; however, when I wear the tiara I’m reminded I am someone special.
Did you watch the latest royal wedding?  I have some friends who recorded every moment of all the activities surrounding that event and they enjoy watching it over and over. The world appeared to be totally fascinated with this woman becoming royalty. Just by this act, she was suddenly someone very special.
I want to remind myself I am worthy of that as well.  I did a Google search and one of the interesting things I found about royalty is that when you dine with the Queen, once the Queen stops eating – everyone stops eating. It doesn’t matter if you still have two more bites of that delicious chocolate pie left, you don’t get to finish it. By laying down her fork, the Queen has declared the meal ended.  Using his analogy, I applied it to those negative thoughts and voices. I put on my tiara and declare “Negative voices, you will no longer dine on my doubts; you are no longer welcome to feast on my failures; you will not be permitted to snack on my lack of self-confidence. NO to you negative voices. I am royalty and I am taking charge. This meal is over!”
I know it sounds silly, and watching a woman nearly 60 years old with her little plastic tiara (by the way, It’s 5 or 6 dollars at the local party store) might even bring a smile to your face. I know it does to mine. Whenever I see the tiara or my reflection in a mirror, I smile. And that smile, that little laugh can actually turn down the volume of those negative voices until I can’t hear them anymore. As the negative voices go away the volume of the positive ones grow louder and louder.
When I am having a day where there is so much coming against me I cannot see the positive, I put on my cute little five-dollar plastic tiara and totally turn my day around. Thinking in a positive way can allow positive things to happen.
What is something that you can do to bring a smile to your face and turn down the volume on the negative voices in your head?  I’d love to hear some of your thoughts.
Today, I am Princess TerryAnn

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