
5 Steps to Visualizing Your Success

Proverbs 29:18 reminds us “where there is no vision, the people perish”Vision is defined as “the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom” What is your ‘vision” for your life? your family? your career? your business? You probably spend a lot of time imagining these things, but where is your

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How to See the Sunny Side of Failure

Everyone has one. That friend, family member, or co-worker. You are discouraged because of some failure. And while you are going through a rough time with the challenging emotions dealing with this thing that went wrong, the say things like“it wasn’t that bad”“it could be worse”“just try to be positive” You grit your teeth and

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How to Change Your Thinking of A Problem

This is a creative problem-solving method that lets you quickly switch from one perspective to another to see all the different sides of the problem and come up with a solution that helps everyone. With this problem-solving skill, you view the situation from different hats, changing the hat to view the situation from various perspectives.

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5 Steps To Defeat Perfectionism Once and For All

We all have moments where we fall into perfectionism. For some of us, this might happen kind of often. For others, it’s reserved for those special occasions where we have a project where we can’t rest until we get it right. While occasional super-attention-to-detail is okay, it’s when we make perfectionism a way of life

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Reduce Stress by Simplifying Your Life

Psychiatrist Neel Burton M.D. has many tips on how to alleviate and manage stress. Among them is a simplification. Burton feels making lifestyle changes such as simplifying our daily lives can be very beneficial. Decreasing our to-do list or choosing just one battle at a time are certainly good ways to de-stress and simplify our

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