I am in a couple of Toastmasters clubs. In one club there is a member who is blind. I am awe-struck whenever I see her.
This woman sees through hearing, and she ‘sees’ a lot. She picks up on things people do simply by listening and notices things those of us who are watching don’t necessarily see.
Over the weekend we were both attending a conference where I had an opportunity to see her in a larger public arena. I was most impressed seeing her walk through the halls and meeting room. I expected to see her holding tight to someone’s arm as she was led around. Not this woman. She did have guides, but these people walked a step or two away from her and made statements like ‘turn left here’, ‘there is a door to your right’, ‘the table is just ahead’.
She trusted these people and followed their lead. She walked independently and made her way through the large crowd. She placed her faith in the words of the other person.
For we walk by FAITH, not by SIGHT. 2 Corinthians 5:7
Nothing keeps this woman down. She holds out her stick to alert her to any obstacle and listens to her companion for direction. She hears the conversations of those walking the halls as well. And she moves with confidence. She doesn’t step hesitantly; she steps firmly and moves forward. She sees her next step by the words of the other person. When she moves, she focuses only on the next step. She stays in the moment.

How often to I stand, paralyzed with fear at the unknown even when I can see all around me. I wonder at what is beyond my view. I am concerned about the steps behind me. I stand, wondering, fearing what is seen and what is not seen.
Suzie is the ultimate image of what it means to ‘walk by faith’.
Watching her this weekend reminded me I need to close my mind’s eyes and open the eyes of my heart to walk where God’s Spirit leads me – one step at a time. I need to listen, to focus on now and take each step boldly.
What do you see on your path? How are you walking? Are you being led by faith, or by sight?