My ‘verse of the year’ is Psalm 119:1. It reads “You are blessed when you stay on course, walking steadily on the road revealed by God.”
I can walk that road, but I get flustered when I find a road block on it. OK God, now what?
Do I find a detour?
Should I turn around and go back?
Perhaps I need to address the roadblock and do something with it.
I don’t know. Then I get flustered. I paralyze with uncertainty.
It is at times like this I need to STOP. I have to force myself to take some deep breaths.
The hard part is looking at that roadblock with a clear vision. Perhaps I can step over it, or around it. In order to see more clearly the roadblock, I must clear my mind. I must look to possibilities and options in the here and now. I often must give up my past misconceptions. I remind myself of the prize at the end of the path.
Once I get a clearer view of the roadblock and my options, I must act. Staring at it will not get me past the moment.
I encourage you this week to look at the roadblock keeping you from moving forward. How will you, how do you, address it?
There may be multiple roadblocks in your path. Which ONE will you face down? Once you have faced that one, look for another one. Face it.
What is beyond the roadblock in your path? Do you want to get to the other side. How will you do so?
I share some of my tactics, what do you do? If you wish, enter in the comments below.