Prioritizing Your To-Do List: Tip 3

The adage says, “We all have the same 24 hours a day”. Yes, it’s a cliche, and it likely more annoying than helpful – but it is true. We can’t create more time out of thin air, but we can use it more effectively.

Sometimes we can become paralyzed when there is so much to do, we don’t know where to start. That is why prioritizing your tasks is so important. Knowing what you need to work on and when you need to do it will only increase your productivity.  Prioritizing and making a plan can help you to move forward, one step at a time.

Yes, you can accomplish your to-do list and move forward. Prioritizing can be done. Take one step at a time to get started. (more tips to follow)

Tip 1: Prioritizing

Tip 2: Make a List

Tip 3: Rank Your Priorities List by Urgency

Take the list of priorities you create and rank the tasks by urgency. This usually means ranking the tasks when they are due, but don’t forget your core values. One way of breaking these lists up is in these three categories:

  • Urgent (complete ASAP)
  • Important (need to address soon)
  • Leisure (can focus on these in your free time)

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