Today I am celebrating me. Why? Just because. No special reason, just because.

I was reading some posts on Facebook today about forgiveness. The hardest person to forgive, in my opinion and personal experience, is myself. I can forgive others, but I often find myself unforgivable – even for trivial incidents. I would make an innocent error into a large guilt event.
I felt I was to be like Jesus – perfect. If I failed perfection I was an unforgivable and terrible person. NOT TRUE. That is one of the lies I have worked hard to defeat. We are to reflect Jesus in our love of one another, not in our misperception of perfection.
As I reflect on who I am today I celebrate. With all my flaws, scars, and imperfections I am a child God. That makes me a Princess. I will put on my plastic tiara and remind myself of that. God accepts and forgives me. If He does, then who am I to hold on to my personal unforgiveness.
Today, I celebrate being me. What are you celebrating?