Can you think back to a time you wanted to do something, but were afraid to do for fear you would fail?
When I look at that question my mind floods with a multitude of opportunities missed for this very reason. What if I fail?
Now think back. Think to a time you were afraid to do something for fear of failing, but you did it anyway. What was the outcome? What did you learn?
One such incident for me occurred last summer. I had been wanting to begin doing YouTube videos of encouragement, but each time I saw myself on video I said no I couldn’t do it. I don’t look good on camera. I am not professional enough. Who cares what I have to say?

One day I woke up, and I don’t know what got into me, but I brushed my hair, put on a little makeup (I am not much of a makeup gal) and with an idea in mind – not even a full script – I turned on the camera and started speaking.
I started talking about dreaming and made an acronym for the word DREAM. I described the letter D and said the others would follow.
Knowing I would look inexperienced, I chose not to do editing. I checked the video to be sure it was framed correctly and the audio worked. After that I slapped on an opening and closing frame and posted to YouTube.
I did it!! My first video post.
I have posted several videos since then, and even interviewed other women, helping them step in front of the camera.
I realized one day, I look just like I would if we were to meet face to face. This is me. Why do I want to be someone different in front of a camera?
Now, it is your turn.
Describe a time you were afraid to do something fearing failure, but you did it anyway.
What was the outcome? What did you learn?
If you are comfortable doing so, share your experience in the comments.