Ring in Spring with Renewed Focus
Wintertime is a stunningly beautiful time of year. With snow-capped mountains and icicles forming on tree branches, there is just so much natural beauty to
Believe You Will
Last night’s Super Bowl brought about celebration for one team and the agony of defeat for another – just like every game. I am not
In September, my friend and fellow coach, Sheri Berger and I started a weekly Facebook Live. Each week we discuss topics of interest and encouragement.
Goals vs Resolutions
A recent study shows that approximately 50% of people in the U.S. make New Year’s Resolutions; and that less than 10% keep them. A new
60 Days of Gratitude
This week’s Journal prompt seeks to begin focusing on Gratitude. How can you remain in an Attitude of Gratitude? Yes, it is an attitude. It
Tied To A Lie
Yesterday on Conversations with Sheri and TerryAnn we talked about mindset. This morning I was reminded of this empowering short story: “As my friend was