A recent study shows that approximately 50% of people in the U.S. make New Year’s Resolutions; and that less than 10% keep them.
A new year, a new opportunity – it’s a easy time to say “I will (enter your desire here)” To many, that is all it is. A desire. Something wanted.
A goal is something you make a priority and are willing to work to achieve. A goal needs to made in a SMART way:
Specific * Measurable * Attainable * Relevant * Time-Based

A very common resolution I hear is “I want to lose weight”. This could work as a New Year’s Resolution, but is not really a goal.
Are you serious about losing weight or just talking about it?
If you are serious, make it a S.M.A.R.T. goal.
- Be Specific – how much weight do you want to lose
- Measure your success along the way, celebrate the 5 pounds leading to the ultimate goal
- Is your goal attainable? Is your end goal realistically possible?
- How relevant is your goal? How does it relate overall to your life, values, and objectives
- Give a time frame. How long will it realistically take to achieve your goal? Plan accordingly.
Bring someone alongside you as you work toward your goal. Share your goal with others who will not only hold you accountable but will encourage you along the way.
2020 was a very challenging year. Goals along the way may have been adjusted or postponed. The end goal, however, can remain if it is a priority.
I am not a football fan – I don’t really understand it. But there something I do understand. The ULTIMATE GOAL of the game is to score more points than the other team. Everyone goes on the field knowing this is what they are working toward. There may be a plan when they go on the field, but I notice they regroup after every play. There is a discussion of what worked and what didn’t and what is our next move. The plan along the way may change, but the GOAL remains the same.
What is your goal? Is it Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Based?
As a life coach, I can help you determine your goals and create a game plan. If you like, start with the “Journey to Self-Discover” online course geared to help you realize your goals, dreams, values, and talents.
What is your GOAL?