And just like that, it is the year 2020.
Last week on New Year’s Eve I remembered back to that night in 1999. I was the computer department for a medium-sized doctor organization with multiple locations. I stayed up all night checking the servers and ready to run to the offices on a moment’s notice if the world were to come to an end when all the computers changed from 1999 to 2000.
Nothing happened, I didn’t have to run out into the night and I slept in the next day.
It is hard to believe that it was 20 years ago. So much has happened in my life in these 20 years.
Each year I set goals for myself. Some I followed through on; others I tossed aside.
Thinking back on this caused me to address this in a journal prompt.
Statistics show that only about 8% of the New Year Resolutions made are completed. Why? There is no commitment, no buy-in.
I want to encourage you this week to carefully consider:
What are your top goals for 2020?
Why is each one important to you?
What will accomplishing these goals give you?
Take some time this week to establish a goal. Make it a smart goal.: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Based.
If you would like to talk about these goals one-on-one, send me a message.
Imagine it is now 2021 and you are discussing your accomplishments of the previous year. What will you be celebrating?