For the past several years I have been selecting a “word of the year”.
Last year it was “UNSTOPPABLE”. A reminder to myself that if I keep moving toward my goals nothing can stop me – except me.

There have been many steps forward through 2018, and a few setbacks. The setbacks did not bring things to a halt, they just slowed things down. Sometimes I had to alter the course, but I continued to move forward.
This year I cannot think of one word to focus on. There is a short phrase that continually comes to mind – “STAY THE COURSE”. It is a reminder to keep moving. Even if I don’t see the whole path clearly, I must choose to stay on it.
There will be obstacles in the road. I must slow down and clarify my direction. And I must ‘stay the course’.

I am not sure what the end of the course will be in 2019; but I know I won’t be alone as I will continue to firmly hold on to God’s hand. I choose not to let go. I choose to continue to move forward. I choose the ‘stay the course’.
What will be your WORD for the year? I would welcome the opportunity to help you find that word within yourself.
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