As I prepare to leave my 50s, I am excited to see what God is leading me to.
The path is open and I step hesitantly onto it. I see obstacles where God is placing opportunities.
When I look back, I see His footprints where we walked through struggles I never thought I could ever step past. Yet, I did. Some of those struggles were filled with such fear, I was too frightened to go on. But God held me tight.
Doors closed along the way, some slammed shut in my face. New doors opened.
Now, a new season of life begins. There are a number of doors calling for my attention. I cannot go through them all. Each will lead me in a different direction. I never thought at this age I would still be looking for a direction. But, here I am. One day before my 60th birthday, I am looking at new opportunities.
Where do I go God? Let’s sit and talk. I need your lead God. I am listening.