What Color Do You See? A story of perspective
Several years ago a friend was visiting my home. We sat out on the back deck drinking iced tea and catching up on our lives.
Do you remember the movie “Short Circuit”? It is a very cute movie made in the mid 1980s about an experimental robot that becomes intelligent.
Why I Wash the Towels First
I stand in the bathroom looking at 2 overfull laundry baskets. I swear I just did laundry a couple of days ago, where does it
Brain structure that tracks negative events backfires in depression
Nam eget mollis diam. Sed nec felis ut massa volutpat dictum quis id tortor. Maecenas hendrerit, dui quis condimentum eleifend, orci lacus rutrum libero, ac tempus sem justo quis ex.
Workaholism tied to psychiatric disorders
Phasellus at feugiat nunc, id molestie diam. Ut eu elit vel massa malesuada ornare in id magna. Vivamus pellentesque pulvinar porta. Curabitur cursus condimentum ex non aliquam.
Crisis Hotline Approach Is Changing the Way We Deal With Stress
Vivamus non hendrerit tellus. Maecenas non lacus eget sapien finibus mollis id vel est. Integer vitae neque et lacus blandit venenatis a commodo libero. Nunc rutrum nisi eget nunc semper, nec aliquam lectus interdum.