Personify the Negative
If you have known me for any length of time, you are aware I sometimes have a quirky way of looking at things. When it
Keep Your Eye on the Goal
Remember that goal you set on January 1. How are you progressing?This week’s journal prompt looks at that goal and reminds you to pursue it.
Belief – Action – Results
What do you believe to be true about yourself? Take a moment and consider that. Belief is defined as “an acceptance that a statement is true”
The GAP between Knowledge and Intelligence
It is said that KNOWLEDGE is having the right answer and that INTELLIGENCE is asking the right question. I am learning the hard lesson –
Failure Refines Me
I came across a quote this past week that started me thinking back over failures in my life with a new light. Failure does not
Defining FEAR: a Journal Prompt
Scrolling through social media, listening to news reports, many are feeling fearful. What is fear? Some define it as: * False Evidence Appearing Real *