Weekly Journal Prompt
We go through struggles and often get caught up in the chaos of life around us. It is sometimes possible to get caught up in
Walk With Me
I’ve not seen it actually happen, but it occurs a lot on TV dramas. Someone asks a question and the other person says ‘walk with
Journal Prompt: Week 21
It’s never too late to start journal writing. Pick up a cheap spiral notebook or find a special bound one, it doesn’t matter. Join in!
Journal Prompt – Week 20
This week journal prompt asks you to look at your life. As children, we have dreams of what life will be like when we grow
Walking Blindly
I am in a couple of Toastmasters clubs. In one club there is a member who is blind. I am awe-struck whenever I see her.
Journal Prompt – Week 19
My ‘verse of the year’ is Psalm 119:1. It reads “You are blessed when you stay on course, walking steadily on the road revealed by