Micro-Habits You Can Start Today for a Happier Life

Ask anyone what they desire in life, and more often than not, the answer comes back as some variation of “be happier.” The pursuit of happiness has been around since time began, the topic being a discussion point since the days of Plato and Socrates.

Is happiness truly so hard to find?

Thankfully, happiness is a lot simpler than most people think. By creating some new micro-habits in your life, not only will you be happier, but it can also extend to the people around you. Where do you begin?

Establish Your Mindset at the moment you wake – do you immediately reach for your phone for the latest news, email, gossip, etc. STOP! Find something to focus on that brings peace right away. Those messages can wait 15 minutes.

Listen to music, take time to read your Bible. For me, I turn on the audio to have the daily message read to me.  Find a peaceful way to start your day off right.

Follow-up with a morning routine that inspires. Listen to a podcast over breakfast, read a chapter out of an inspirational book, listen to music that makes your heart soar, take time for yoga or meditation. Embrace whatever you need to do to launch yourself into the day feeling upbeat and inspired.

Focus on One Thing Only –  we have so many distractions constantly in front of us, rather than getting caught up in everything around you, focus on the one in from you. You will find you are able to complete tasks more efficiently and timely.

Stay in the moment. Rather than getting caught up in the trials and tribulations of the day ask yourself where you are right now. Turn off the electronics and take a moment to breathe. Find that inner calm, and remind yourself that right now, right here, you are OK. Focus on what’s in front of you and let the past and future go.

Listen In The Moment – when you are interacting with someone, stay in the moment with them. Take the time to listen – to hear what they have to say, not necessarily just to determine what you want to say. Listening, truly listening, can lead to improved relationships and understanding.

Sharpen your saw. There is an old story goes tells of a man walking through the woods who sees someone laboring mightily to cut down a tree. As he watches, he points out that the process would go much faster if the woodcutter were to sharpen his saw. The woodcutter replies, “I realize that, but I don’t have time to stop.” By stopping to sharpen your saw – resting and recharging – you’re capable of so much more later on. Take breaks that give energy back not only to your body but your mind.

Hang around happy people.  Research shows we are affected deeply by the mood of those around us. By gravitating toward people who make us feel good, we help our mood.

Take Care of Yourself – pay attention to your needs. When your body tells you it is tired and stressed, pay attention. Get the rest, hydration, and break from the pressures. Even if for a few minutes.  Remember, you cannot fill the cups of others if you are pouring from an empty cup yourself.

There are many ways to find happiness. While you may start with this list, be sure to explore ideas of your own. Remember, you don’t have to do great big sweeping things to change your attitude – just practicing small micro-habits is enough to change your life positively.

Establish your Perspective from the moment you wake, and you will find personal Peace thoughout the day.

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