2 Questions to Ask When Worry Creeps In
As autumn begins to take shape here in the Midwest I see many small changes taking place. It starts with the weather, then I notice
Stop Sabotaging Your Goals with Procrastination
We are in the last week of September. There are only 35 days to Halloween, 58 days to Thanksgiving, and 91 days to Christmas. The
4 Tips For Working Through Your Mistakes
I just looked at my calendar and noticed that there are 12 weeks to Thanksgiving, and 17 weeks from today is Christmas!! 18 Mondays from
5 Steps to Visualizing Your Success
Proverbs 29:18 reminds us “where there is no vision, the people perish”Vision is defined as “the ability to think about or plan the future with
Organization Leads to Better Productivity
I have become very aware that if my work area – whether it be my craft area, kitchen, home, or desk – is cluttered, I
7 Step to Overcome Imposter Syndrome
My name is TerryAnn and I am struggling to overcome feeling like an imposter. Do you experience the same? Have you ever felt like you