Eclipse Glasses for my Focus

When eclipse glasses started hitting my Facebook news feed I thought for sure these were a scam. Just do the pinhole trick and save your money, I thought.

Then my grandson came to visit to attend a solar eclipse event with us. He let me try on his glasses. WOW!!! Everything was blacked out, except for the sun. This was so awesome, I wish I had my own pair, but alas, it was too late, everybody was sold out.

When rains started in our local area we were concerned we would miss the fullness of this event so we headed east to a find a state park where the sun was shining and no rain appeared in the near future. Once settled with our lawn chairs with cameras and pinhole pages, we were so fortunate to find 2 people with a stash of ISO approved glasses they were giving away.


Yeah!!  My husband and I each had our own pair.

It was amazing to watch this historic event through these glasses. The only thing visible through these glasses was the sun and moon fighting for my attention.


(My traveling teddy bear watched the pinhole eclipse, he didn’t have any glasses)

Now, with the event over I look at my glasses and wish I could have something like them to help me focus. Imagine putting on these glasses and only seeing the project I am working on!

No more distractions from a popup on the computer screen. Ignore that number that shows up on the tab telling me there is a new email or Facebook post I simply must read. The phone would not be visible for the latest call or text message.

I envy people who can sit down to one thing and concentrate only on it and shut out all other distractions. Just writing this post I remember the event, my mind wanders to where we stopped for lunch afterward, then on to what will I make for lunch today, and do I need to put something in the crock pot for dinner. That doesn’t include the glance at the other monitor showing me the virtual connections I need to complete and that open tab of an unfinished list of notes to use at a meeting tonight. Oh no I forgot I have to prepare for that.

Yes, I need focus glasses.

Since there appear to be none I have to CHOOSE to stay focused. I have to CHOOSE where my attention will be placed and CHOOSE to keep it there. For me this is not easy, but then I remind myself of times I have done so. I can stay focused on a movie I am watching. I can stay focused on a fun activity. Why? Perspective and choice.

Since there are no focus glasses I can choose to turn off the 2nd monitor and set the phone to silent. I work best in low light, so I can choose to turn off the overhead light and use a desk lamp. I could turn off the TV in my office and use another form of sound, perhaps uplifting music.

Yes, there are things I can do. Knowing this isn’t enough. I must CHOOSE to do these things to deter the distractions.

These are some of the choices I have and that work for me.

What works for you? How do you stay focused?  Comment below.

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