What Color Do You See

The purposes of the heart are life deep waters, but one who has insight draws them out.  Prov 20:5

Several years ago while sitting on my back deck, a friend looked out into my yard and commented on the beautiful yellow roses I had.  I looked out and saw no yellow roses. The fence was lined with red roses, but no yellow one.  Thinking she had just made a slip in wording I left the comment alone.  A bit later the yellow roses came up again in our conversation. Confused, I asked her to join me in a walk around the yard.

When we came to the roses I asked her ‘what color are these roses’. “Yellow” she responded. I was looking at red roses. I looked closely at her and noticed her sunglasses.  “Take off your sunglasses for a moment please”.  She did so and responded ‘those are red!’. 

Her sunglasses had an amber tint, a strong amber tint, and everything she saw was through the amber lens. Once removed, she could clearly see the true color of the roses.

As a life coach, I help women take off the amber lens to see more clearly what they are facing.

I don’t know of any woman who does not multi-task.  She has to! If you are at work you are thinking of the laundry not yet done at home, what will you be making for dinner, errands you will have to run on your lunch break as well as the project in front of you that needs to be completed for your boss. When  you are at home you are doing laundry, making dinner, getting the kids ready for bath and bed, all the while nagged by what you did not get completed at work.

Even at church, you have a To Do list in front of you and as the pastor is speaking you are adding to your list of things you need to but will probably never get done.

With all this going on in your head the lens of your mind may be discoloring your thoughts. As a life coach I listen to you as you walk through these patches of your life and I help you take off the colored lens to see more clearly what is in front of you. I will reflect back what you speak aloud, and sometimes what you are trying not to speak aloud. I will ask you questions allowing you to look deeper or at a different angle than you had before. Unlike a caring friend, I won’t tell you what you ‘should’ do. You are an intelligent woman. You don’t need to be told what to do. You don’t need a list ‘shoulds’ added to your cluttered thoughts. I can, however, help you remove the colored lens and see things in a different light. Together we can draw out your deep desires which may have become buried beneath the mountain of obligations you find yourself in. We can walk through the roses of your world and find their true color.

What color lens are you wearing? Are you ready to see clearly?

Click on the Move Forward tab to contact me with no obligation.  I look forward to seeing the roses with you.

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